LGBTQIA+, Melbourne, Gay, Schwul, Cruising, Naked Men, Bushes
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Location: Fizzy Fernery

CBT was quite young when they stumbled upon their first cruising experience in a toilet block in New Zealand. They went in genuinely needing to take a piss, but quickly realized it was a busy spot as they noticed people acting differently. They walked out, but the curiosity pulled them back in. This time, they noticed the change in body language of the people around them, who started showing off their packages. From that moment on, CBT became more attuned to people’s body language and started studying it like a language without a textbook.

“It’s a secret language that needs to be unlocked, and the better you get, the more fun you have,” CBT explained. “Practice, practice, practice!”

Coming out in New Zealand wasn’t easy, as there were no protections at that time. However, CBT remembers visiting Sydney for their first sleaze ball in the early 90s. They wore a pair of big leather boots and scrunched down socks to work, but their boss at the time was not pleased. CBT was sent home without pay and realized they could have been fired without any rights to attest. That was when they decided to move to Sydney in search of safety.

“On Oxford St, there were leather men, drag queens, guys holding hands; you could just be anything here!” CBT recalled.

“I remember one time I was busting for a piss on Oxford St, so I went into the Hungry Jacks and ended up getting a blow job in the toilet!” they chuckled.

“All the train stations were beats,” CBT continued. “There were lineups at the toilets.”

Almo Park - Melbourne
Best Mate Park - Melbourne
Fitzzy Fernery - Melbourne

LGBTQIA+, Melbourne, Gay, Schwul, Cruising, Naked Men, Bushes