Welcome to Cruising the Bush, where passion meets adventure in capturing the raw beauty of nature through a queer lens. As an avid explorer and photographer, I embark on a unique journey called "Cruising the Bush," where I delve deep into the heart of untamed landscapes, exploring the intersections of queerness and the Australian wilderness.

Nature has always been a refuge and a source of inspiration for queer individuals seeking freedom, self-discovery, and connection. Through my lens, I strive to document the profound experiences of queer people as they traverse the vast Australian landscape, uncovering hidden treasures within themselves and their surroundings.

I am deeply connected to both the natural world and the LGBTQ+ community. It is my mission to capture the unique narratives of queer individuals who find solace, identity, and love amidst the unspoiled beauty of nature. Whether it's the sun-kissed shores, ancient forests, or sprawling deserts, I aim to depict the intricate tapestry of queer experiences intertwined with the magnificence of the Australian wilderness.

Who is EFP? see www.efp-photography.com for more info <3

Thank you to my late Father, Peter Stewart Fowler, who always stubbornly did it his way no matter what and helped me do the same. Always with begrudging accountability when it goes wrong (because in his head, he can still make it work). Thank you <3, I’ll never stop. 

My husband Ken, I love being on this ride with you. Thank you for loving me for me. 

To my amazing family of doers and collectors (hoarders) who showed me to question everything, fuck gender norms and patriarchy. 

To Kristian, thank you for allowing me the space and understanding to blossom at PSC. 

GRT - you’re amazingly patient and passionate, Thank you. (Thank you for the lend of the books - there like hydrating for the mind) 

DBS, fuck, you talk a lot :P - But your passion and knowledge of photography is staggering. 

To my peers at PSC - fuck, it’s been a blast to learn about you and with you. Thank you for trusting me. 

To all my beautiful friends - I love you, and you make me stronger to survive. I’m so lucky to know you.